How armour will be moddable in AbsCnC

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Modding armour will be much more versatile than in CnC
One of the attributes required of any unit in an RTSs is armour. In CnC you simply gave the unit a strength value and an armour type (such as
armour = wood).

In AbsCnC you can vary the armour on different parts of the unit. This is because an AbsCnC model is made up of any number of 'sections' (not to be confused with meshes/sections in the actual 3d models) and each of these is assigned it's own armour type and armour-strength.

The diagram below shows that the Earth-forces Patrol-tank is made up of four sections:
Turret, hull, tracks and weapon#1. Each of these will have different strengths so that a shot hitting the turret
(#2) will have less effect than one hitting the hull (#1). The weak-point will be the tracks (#3). What is more, a special INI setting can be included so that hitting certain sections can affect other INI attributes as well as the units core strength. For example a function something like:
Hiteffect_speed = Section_tracks_hitvalue * 50% -(n.b. syntax to be decided)




One of the key advantages with this approach is that modders can give units weak-points so that even the toughest unit can be overcame if you employ the right tactics. This is all in addition to the old favourite of making a warhead more effective against certain armour types than others. Below is a concept sketch of a modern day tank. It is very easy to make the tank weaker at the back than at the front simply by making them separate sections.

This will be great for the 'realist' modders but also has more general appeal.

The engine automatically identifies which section was 'hit' but damage may still be caused to nearby sections.
How effective a warhead is of course down to the warhead INI. It's effectiveness will be defined against a list of 'materials' which mean 'armour types'. The actual types haven't been decided yet (and are a hot topic) but here's a plausible list:

Flesh -unarmoured living
Alloy -unarmoured non-living
Immune -special case. Ideal for weapons
Steel -normal metal armour
Tracks -used for sections specifically prone to mines
Cobham -Improved metal armour.
DP -Depleted Uranium. Just another type of metal armour
Concrete -for buildings etc
Soft -for unarmoured buildings
Special -spare