Example units:
Kamarthian Knasher attack-drone
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AbsCnC model of the Knasher

Artist's impression of the Knasher

Armament: Light bombs & cannon

Crew: None

Targetting: Multi-sensor inc. millimetric radar, IR..

Speed: Fast (200kph)

Armour: Light Polyalloys

Development info.
Author & Concept creator: Haydn

Modelling software: Z-modeller

Date of first model: 07/02

Model status: ready

Incorporated into presentation engine: not

The Knasher-AD is fundamental to Kamarthian defensive strategy. It employs a first generation light fighter-drone which delivers the payload (explosives) to the designated target.

The compact chassis is built around a powerful sensor pack which transmits all data received directly into the base's central defensive network, from where the drone is controlled. The payload is carried internally, the rocket motors being scabbed onto the delta wing. Cruciform control canards afford excellent manoeuvrability although the drone is susceptible to mobile air-defences.

Each launch site, submerged to afford cover from direct fire weapons, has between 10 - 30 drones, only one of which can be 'flown' at any given time.

Submerged Launcher