Why AbsCnC will be so much better for modders

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AbsCnC is designed specifically for modding.

CnC unit concept & graphics limitations

1. You can only have one turret per unit.
2. Some units (i.e. Aircraft) could not have turrets at all.
3. Aircraft cannot shoot at other aircraft.
4. It is hard to animate your models.
5. You can only have a maximum of two weapons per unit.

In AbsCnC all those will be out of the window. Plus there will be lots of scope for expanding the functionality further. -Add your own code, it's open-source!

Artist's impression of the IDC Mantis Heavy Fighter with turret mounted blaster-cannons.

  Combined Editing tools
In CnC you had to edit the INI & Voxels separately. And then you had to mix with MIX and so on… Bogomimps of AbsCnC is progressing excellently on an 'all-in-one' editing utility (see Below).

Click on pic for larger image

On the graphics front, this tool will have several major advances:
1. You can load graphics from any 3ds file.
2. You can mix and vary graphics from several different files to create your new unit.
3. Every frame of animation can potentially have different graphics.
4. You will be able to animate colours and textures as well as moving the sections.
5. You can invent your own animation sequences specific to a unit (requires INI module).
6. The utility will automatically make any imported 3ds file compatible with the actual game engine so no unexpected crashes.

AbsCnC model of the Strike Speeder (author: StratComm)

Library of unit graphics and INI Code
The AbsCnC default battlesets are intended to provide a ready stock of units for modding, canabalisation and reference. Whilst Haydn's concept battleset is currently the main effort, there will be a massive stock of 3ds from many sources. Why not combine the nose and engines of the IDC Strike Speeder (above) with the wings of the IKA Javelin Bomber and the fins off an X_Wing 3ds you found on the web? Re-colour it in the ModMaker utility and you have an all-new unit without having to be a graphics bod.