Impression of the PeaceMaker
have certain advantages over manned vehicles -they are
cheaper (to train), they are unquestioningly loyal and do
not feel pain/damage. They also have distinct
disadvantages; they cannot operate complex weapons which
need regular maintenance (unless that is carried out
third-party, which limits field endurance) and they can
not adapt to new (unforeseen) operating environments.
The PeaceMaker series droid is large, the size of a
manned droid, and is employed in the assault role. It has
no ranged weapon, requiring to close with the enemy and
inflict damage with it's auto-saws.
Many Warlords have purchased the PeaceMaker and it has
built up a fearsome reputation in skirmishes throughout
the warring zones. |
Spec DATA |
Role: Assault-unit, Mech
(unmanned) Armament: 2 x
Diamond toothed auto-saws mounted on
armoured free-moving arms
warheads: n/a
Crew:Auto-matic, self
Sensors: Multi-sensor
Speed: Medium (85kph)
Armour: Heavy
advanced-plastics and depleted-urainium
Development info. |
Concept & Model artist:
Haydn Modelling software:
Date of first model: 02/02
Model status: Ready for
Incorporated into
presentation engine: Not
AbsCnC Model (author: haydn)This
unit is the first to be designed for hand-to-hand range
combat and will test our game engine design. The shields
will be different 'sections' within the unit INI and will
be assigned very heavy armour. The game engine already
identifies which section is hit when a weapon collides
with a unit so any weapon hitting the shield will be
almost harmless to the unit (unless deliberately
manipulated in the INI). This is similar in principle to
how we can make tanks better armoured at the front than
the rear etc so that it also matters where on the unit
you hit.
The attacking arms are also separate sections and will
not be damaged by colliding with the target (although
this could be adjusted in the INI). They will be animated
to chop down on the target -the game engine will register
any collisions automatically.