VOXEL SECTION - Original Voxels For RA2 & TS
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My Email is: haydnsutton@hotmail.com

Welcome to the Voxel Section. The voxels here are RA2 and TS compatible. I am currently working on multi-sectioned animated voxels, mainly in a team with Strategic Commander. We currently use Will's original Editor and VxlUtil with DMZ's hva editor -all of which are excellent tools. Some of the vxls on this page were made using Keon's VxlEditor (V.1.4).

Recent projects include various Star Wars units for the Imperial Siege RA2 Mod, such as the AT-AT walker and a massive Star Destroyer.

Aircraft Vxlpack - 20 voxel models. Use a copy of orca.hva planes.zip

Numerous new ship vxls including
a new aircraft carrier ships.zip

An early Star Destroyer voxel (v. large multisection effort, see readme in zip):star_1.zip

Animated aircraft Vxlpack.... Ground unit Vxlpack coming soon! Star Wars (Phantom Menace) units by Strategic Commander swunits.zip

The original voxel models on this site are free and can be used or changed without restriction.